3 May 2019

Upon wake-up this morning, we were up and at'em. We had a 7:15 wakeup call so we could get to the dive site before the other boats in the surrounding area. We dove at two different sites called Chimney and Coral Gardens. We dove for about 45 to 50 minutes at both sites. The first site had really incredible wildlife. We were able to see two nurse sharks, some trigger fish, parrot fish, shrimp, and giant lobster. We also saw 7 lion fish, an invasive species from the eastern hemisphere. Though I knew it was the law to kill them, when I watched the dive master take out his spear gun and watched him shoot one, I felt an odd sensation of guilt in my body. The spear has 5 prongs and when it shoots the fish, it travels all the way through the fish and out the other side. At our second dive site, we were able to swim under an archway of coral for about 15 feet, and then came out of the other side between two twenty foot towering walls with about 10 feet in between them. Though there weren't as many animals due to the lack of current in the dive site, but the coral was absolutely beautiful. Tomorrow we are waking up for another dive and then we are going to do a night dive which will be so cool!
Hours Today- 4.5 Hours
Hours Total- 21.5 Hours
Posted 21:30


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