14 May 2019

We started our day with a wake up at 5:30 to continue our weeding on the farm so that we could be done with our five hours before it got hot. Stating at 6:00, we were up and working before Drake. We weeded, continuing the bed that we had not finished from yesterday, until 8AM excepting that we would be weeding. Cat and I had a genius idea to find buckets to sit on and scoot along as we weeded so the squatting and bending over for five hours wouldn't hurt as much. Drake wandered up the hill and let us know that if we wanted to, we would start picking the green onions and cleaning them. I learned quickly that it is important when pulling them out of the ground not to stick the hand fork to close to the onions or I would stab them and damage them. Once we dug up multiple bunches Cat and I headed over to a large tub in the shade, bringing our seat buckets of course, to start cleaning them. First we had to pull the roots apart from each other and rinse the mud out of them. Then, you have to pull the roots off and peel the outermost layer of the onion off to make sure there is no mud left. We did this until 11:00 when we left. I really enjoyed picking and cleaning the onions because Cat and I were able to sit in the shade during the hot part of the work day, and it didn't require and strenuous activity. After work, I had leftovers from dinner last night for lunch and Cat and I headed to the the Cane Garden Bay Beach and hung out there until dinner, when we ate at a near by restaurant.
Hours Today- 5
Hours Total- 83
Posted- 19:30


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