15 May 2019

It was extremely hot here today. Even though it seems to hover around the same temperature, 83 or 84ish degrees Fahrenheit here all the time, today felt like it was so much hotter than usual. Getting a start at 5:45 as usual we started by weeding the bed we didn't finish yesterday. Thankfully some of it was in the shade, but it hadn't been during the hot part of the day :(. Cat and I thought we would be weeding all day, or at least cleaning some spring onions, like yesterday, but we took it upon ourselves to notice that some of the white beans had dried and we escaped to pick those. This took us an hour and twenty minutes since we couldn't move to quickly in the heat. While picking the beans Cat discovered that there was an avocado tree on the farm but they wouldn't be ripe until September or October. After that, sadly, we went back to weeding and the full heat of the day had kicked in. Drake, noticing that we were melting, offered the job of bagging the peppers he had picked for the market on Saturday. He told me they were peppers for seasoning and that they were for seasoning and the large ones were spicy so of course I tried one of the small seasoning peppers which also turned out to be very spicy. Cat and I laughed as I spit out the flaming pepper and proceeded to drool a little bit on the ground. This afternoon we went diving at a place called Markoe Point. We dove along a large wall of rock and explored the crevices of it for life inside. Unlike usual when we are diving reefs we were able to see more animals that we don't usually see like Lobsters, Aerocrabs, Eels and Shrimp. We also saw two Lionfish. After that Cat and I stopped for ice cream and then headed into Road Town for dinner.

Hours Today- 10
Hours Total- 93
Posted: 18:58


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