10 May 2019

Today Cat and I woke up at 5:30 so that we could get to work before the heat. One of the cats left us a present again, a dead and bloody mouse carcass on our kitchen floor. Our first task of the day, from Drake, would be to weed the bed next to the one we did yesterday. I was a little upset about this because in our time on the farm we've spent five and a half hours weeding and I was hoping to learn more about the types of things they grow on the farm, and their farming techniques. After two and a half hours of weeding, Drake came back and told me that I needed to pick a pound of mint for an order than was going out this afternoon, and he and Cat ventured in to the woods to pick some native Caribbean flowers for the order, too. I only spent half an hour picking mint, but it was better than weeding because, even though I was still bent over, I was cutting the stems instead of digging my hands into the mud to rip the roots out. We spent half an hour boxing things for the order going out later in the day, then Cat and I headed to pick some white beans. I really enjoy picking white beans because there is no bending over since the beans typically hang in upper body to eye range, and the vines are tall enough to cast some shade on us during the heat of the day. After spending forty five minutes picking white beans, we dropped them off on the front porch and weeded until 11:00 when we were done. We then showered and drove to the beach to meet my parents, only avoiding one detour because of a closed road, and then headed off on our dive which lasted 59 minutes, our longest dive so far. We dove at Blonde Rock, a reef away from most of the islands. The marine life was sub-par, but the reef was pretty cool. There were lots of purple overhanging coral heads we could swim under and even a cave that we swam through. We are excited to take our first day off from senior project in 12 days tomorrow since we are very tired, see you guys on Monday.
Hours today- 10
Hours Total- 68
Posted- 23:48


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