17 May 2019
Today was our last day working on the farm. I thought I would be relieved, after we finished, but it felt bittersweet. Even though the time passed slowly while we were working, and it was typically very hot, I really enjoyed my time with Cat. Our time together was super fun since we were able to be super goofy with each other and get to know Drake. I don't think I'm going to miss the weeding though. This morning I made our usual scrambled eggs for breakfast, and we headed to work at 5:45. We started off the day, weeding, and listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. About an hour late, thankfully Drake told us that we could do something else if we wanted, so we spent about an hour picking Mint and Basil to prepare for the market tomorrow. After that we weeded some more until we were given another job. Drake told us that we needed to rinse out and move 50 cinder blocks, for who knows what. That was our last task before our five hours were up, which was good since it was getting really hot and I thought I was getting sunburned. Cat and I dove this afternoon, at the Ginger Steps, and our friend Bruce, who we know from previous dives, was there. There were also three new people on board who had said they hadn't dove in 30 years and it was quite obvious. Two of the three people used half of their air in the first ten minutes and also had improperly weighted themselves, so they were unable to stay on the bottom. Due to their lack of air, the both of them had to surface early. Since we had to bring them back to the boat, Cat, Bruce, and I weren't able to explore as far away from the boat as we had wished, but we were able to see a lobster, out in the open, which is unusual during the day time. We also saw a trunkfish, even though it wasn't the baby we are looking for, it was still so fun to see. Since, we didn't want to cook, we went out to dinner and had some really good ice cream! I also spent some quality time with out cat, Good Cat, today, hence the photo.
Peep Cats blog for a video of our cat with a half live lizard in its mouth.
Here's the link https://krupkaca.blogspot.com/
Hours Today- 10
Hours Total- 108
Posted- 20:04
Peep Cats blog for a video of our cat with a half live lizard in its mouth.
Here's the link https://krupkaca.blogspot.com/
Hours Today- 10
Hours Total- 108
Posted- 20:04
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